MDB View

MDB View is a very useful software that allows you to view mdb files on system without Microsoft Access installed. All you need are the MDAC 2.1 components or higher ( that you can get for free on Microsoft download page ).
MDB View will show you all tables included in the database, with all fields and records. You can see a detailed information for each record, and you can search for an element in the whole database. Then you can export all database tables, fields and records, both to external CSV (Comma Separated Values) and HTML files (with an editable CSS file). You can also open protected database if you know the password and you can view a database directly from the command line, making also possible the view of a database directly with the cd’s autorun.
MDB View is freeware with a nag-screen that you can remove with a donation to the author. It runs on Windows 95/98/Me/Nt/2000/XP and its size allows you to bring it everywhere, even in a 720kb floppy disk. MDB View 1.0 is actually available only in English.

[download id=”1359″]

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4 commenti

  1. serena

    mi piace

  2. Marcin

    It’s a great little utility and I would dearly love to support you but your domain (www matsoftware com) apparently expired and was taken over by a cybersquatter, so I have no way of contacting you…

  3. Arek

    what’s the password to open test file?

  4. marina

    ciao sono alla ricerca di viewer gratuiti per Access…questo tuo tool funziona anche sulle versioni recenti dalla 2007 in poi? grazie

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